12 virksomheder går sammen om at opføre ny solcellepark
Energi Danmark har på vegne af 12 kunder indgået en PPA (Power Purchase Agreement), der indebærer, at Better Energy opfører en helt ny solcellepark. PPA’en viser, hvordan flere virksomheder kan løfte i flok og sammen bidrage til den grønne omstilling.
Med PPA’er tilfører virksomheder aktivt ny vedvarende energi til samfundet ved opførelse af enten solcelleparker eller vindmøller. I denne aftale går 12 kunder – Blue Energy, GN Group, Bravida, Scan Global Logistics, PA Savværk og Wiking Gulve, Tempur Sealy, Labelco, Scanpan, Malte Haaning Plastic, Petersen Tegl, Polyprint og Egmont – sammen og puljer deres energibehov for at tilføre nyopført energi til samfundet.
Nemt at tage del i den grønne omstilling
I 2021 gav 12 kunder Energi Danmark mandat til at indgå en endelig aftale med en udvikler af ny vedvarende energi. Med kundernes mandat i hånden har Energi Danmark netop indgået aftale med Better Energy omkring opførsel af et solcelleanlæg i Jylland. Projektet opfylder alle krav til beliggenhed, idriftsættelsesdato, pris og additionalitet – altså at aftalen sikrer, at der bygges og produceres ny grøn strøm i Danmark.

Prioriter bæredygtighed og mindsket prisrisiko i din næste elaftale.
Energi Danmark varetager hele processen og balanceringen
Med aftalen har de 12 kunder Energi Danmark som direkte modpart. Det betyder, at Energi Danmark håndterer hele setuppet og varetager kontakt til udvikler, selve el-leverancen og risikostyringen. Kunderne får en simpel og overskuelig afregning baseret på deres faktiske forbrug, da Energi Danmark også står for balanceringen af forbrug og produktion.
Den eksakte placering af den nye solcellepark afventer endelig godkendelse. Solcelleparken forventes at stå færdigt i 1. kvartal 2023 og forventes at kunne producere ca. 70.000 MWh årligt, svarende til elforbruget for ca. 18.000 husstande.

De deltagende virksomheder er:
Blue Energy: Blue Energy A/S is a Danish green energy and insurance distributor. Our goal is to ensure that our Danish energy customers have access to green and climate friendly energy and thereby allowing our everyday private customers to participate in the green transition and a better tomorrow for the next generations.
GN Group: The GN Group enables people to Hear More, Do More and Be More through its intelligent hearing, audio and video collaboration solutions. Inspired by people and driven by our innovation leadership, we leverage technological synergies to deliver unique and increasingly individualized user experiences in our products and solutions.
Bravida: A good building makes a difference – that’s why Bravida exists. As the Nordic region’s leading supplier of end-to-end technical solutions in service and installation, we help our customers create effective and sustainable buildings. Bravida’s long-term goal is to be carbon-neutral throughout the value chain by 2045.
Scan Global Logistics: Scan Global Logistics is a global full-service logistics provider headquartered in the Nordic, which excels in uncomplicating logistics through tailored solutions made by skilled specialists, proud problem-solvers, and passionate entrepreneurs.
PA Savværk og Wiking Gulve: As the only two flooring producers in Denmark with the well-acknowledged Cradle2Cradle certificate on both companies, we are proud to be able to participate in the transformation from fossil to green renewable energy.
Tempur Sealy: Tempur Sealy is committed to improving the sleep of more people, every night, all around the world. As a global leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of bedding products, we know how crucial a good night of sleep is to overall health and wellness. Utilizing over a century of knowledge and industry-leading innovation, we deliver award-winning products that provide breakthrough sleep solutions to consumers in over 100 countries.
Labelco: At LABELCO A/S we produce self-adhesive labels for industries in Denmark as well as in other EU countries. Our different machines enable us to print on all kinds of self-adhesive materials, and our desire to be on the front edge of the development, has made our range of products particularly comprehensive.
Scanpan: SCANPAN A/S is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of nonstick cookware and for the last 60 years, SCANPAN has inspired a love of food in the kitchen. With deep roots in traditional craftsmanship, we create functional and timeless tools for modern kitchens, from households to professional kitchens.
Malte Haaning Plastic A/S: Malte Haaning Plastic A/S is a Danish manufacturer of toys. We produce the world-famous Hama beads. Production takes place in Denmark.
Petersen Tegl : Petersen Tegl A / S manufactures and sells unique waterstruck bricks with a manufacturing process that adds vibriant colors in pale and dark shades. Together with the world-famous Kolumba ™ and Petersen Cover ™ and other 100% handmade products, we have export to all over the world.
Polyprint : Polyprint A/S’s main activities are focused on the production of flexo printed packaging. Through specialisation, development and ongoing investments in new technology Polyprint has obtained a position as one of the competent co-operations partners on the market for flexible packaging.
Egmont: Egmont is a leading Nordic media group committed to significant stories and journalism and applying technology to create strong products and user excellence in TV, streaming, films, cinemas, computer games, magazines, books, education, e-commerce and digital agencies. Egmont is a foundation which means that all profits are reinvested in building great media and supporting vulnerable children.
Topbillede: Better Energy